Support: Large Two-level Six-litre Pet Fountain – White (385)

My pump has stopped working.
- We would advise referring to the fault-finding/maintenance instructions. Most reported failures relate to a build-up of limescale/dirt in the pump and are easily rectified by dismantling and cleaning the pump bore and magnetic impeller also.
- Please see our pump cleaning video for more information.
How often do I need to change the water?
We recommend changing the water every 2-3 days, making sure to top up the water level in between.
How often do I need to clean the pump?
We recommend that the pump is dismantled into its four separate parts and cleaned monthly as per the instruction leaflet. If you are in a hard water area, you may need to clean more frequently.
How often do I need to change the filter cartridges?
Our recommendation is that the filter cartridges are changed once a month.
Our pet will not drink from the pet fountain. What can I do?
We would advise leaving the pump turned off, allowing your pet to become comfortable using the fountain. When you feel your pet is ready, turn the pump on.
How do I clean a heavily scaled pump?
Disassemble pump as per instruction leaflet. Leave parts to soak in a solution of 50% water and 50% vinegar for a few hours, then clean parts as per instructions.
Can I regulate pump flow?
On the pump there is a flow control valve with min./max. Move this left or right until desired flow rate is achieved.
How can I reduce excessive water flow by evaporation?
Turn the flow control valve on the pump to min. setting.
Is this product made from BPA-free plastic?
The bowl, lid, base, i.e. all main components are made from polypropylene. This is a BPA-free plastic.
Can I get a replacement pump?
Yes, the Part Number is 354, available on our website.
Can I get a replacement power supply?
Yes, the Part Number is 949 (UK) 948 (European), available on our website.
What should I do if I am seeing a build-up of pink residue?
Please see our guidance on of pink residue build up here